At Hotchkiss Law Firm, PLLC we proudly represent numerous nonprofit organizations, including museums, amateur athletic organizations and animal welfare groups. Our clients also include inspiring entrepreneurs in the fashion, health and beauty industries. We provide our services on a personalized, compassionate manner, backed with years of experience and success. We're dedicated to guiding our clients through day-to-day legal issues so that they can focus on furthering their missions and/or establishing their brands. We pledge to bring that same dedication to you.
Hotchkiss Law Firm, PLLC
Mailing Address:
6333 E. Mockingbird Ln., Ste. 147
Dallas, Texas 75214
email: sharon@hotchkisslaw.com
Business Ph: 972.755.9492
M-F: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST)
This website may include published articles, links to third party resources, and/or third party opinions presented as a service to our clients and other visitors to the website and should not be considered legal advice. Since laws may change rapidly, the information in the articles on our site can become outdated. Seek advice and counsel from a qualified lawyer for any legal issue that you face before taking or delaying any action or making any decision.